Jul 15, 2011

Illustration Friday "Gesture"

Charlie Brown's Christmas and Linus' gesture of warmth
towards it with his blanket.
I have a thing for trees. I suppose that makes me a tree-hugger. I'll take the title gladly. Growing up watching the holiday Peanuts special and not only feeling sorry for Charlie Brown but also the little helpless tree made me sad. I was glad when Linus put his blanket around the base of the scrawny thing. I felt relief watching that show. So, I guess with a little nod towards "Christmas in July" and the theme of 'gesture' this week, I chose my simple watercolor of the pathetic Christmas tree and Linus's blanket to illustrate. That gesture was symbolic in the program but it certainly made me feel better. To this day, I still feel the pain of trees when someone is pulling on them or chopping them down. Trees are the most magnificent creature on earth I think because they witness so much more than we ever will. Walking years ago through Valley Forge, I stopped and looked at the trees there in the park and it hit me that these guys had witnessed the Revolutionary War! How cool is that? So, make a nice gesture towards a tree some time soon and give it a hug-they've seen a lot!


Indigene said...

Absolutely adorable!

Penelope said...

I'm with Indigene, adorable! We inherited a ficus tree when we bought our house and it needed lots of love. A friend told me to cut everything off. I did. After almost a month I figured I killed it and oh, how I felt I'd betrayed that tree! I was so sad but let it be and kept watering and feeding... But alas yesterday....two tiny leaves are pushing through....Happiness. I'm with you on trees! Thank you!