Feb 25, 2011

Illustration Friday "Swarm"

Okay, so it isn't a swarm illustration, per se, but a bee having thought the girl's dress a field of flowers...oops and this is what I think of when I hear the word swarm. Keeping bees I've seen swarms. They're actually very facinating and when all together like that, bees are an engine. Last May I had a fellow beekeeper come and collect a swarm from the neighbor's yard. It was at least 18" long and a foot wide. The beekeeper said it was one of the largest swarms he'd ever seen. Since we didn't have the equipment, he collected it, and passed it on to another fellow beekeeping hobbyist. I love bees and for the most part can stand quite close with no harm. Last summer I was in their direct path and got stung near the bridge of my nose. Needless to say, I didn't react well to the sting and didn't see very well from that part of my face! But bees are absolutely magical! And swarms too!

1 comment:

Vilt og vakkert said...


Lovely illustrated--- and a nice blog ;:OD)