Ah, the summer perennial favorite...well, at least it is mine...tomatoes! I've been boycotting grocery store tomatoes now for years since it doesn't matter how many times I've gotten suckered in to the 'they look good this time' purchase of store tomatoes. Then I get home, cut one open and it is either mushy or hard or no flavor. It's red, it looks like a tomato but it ISN'T! My garden tomatoes are hanging on the vines now but still green. I've had a few cherry tomatoes and nothing beats that first warmed by the sun bite. Here's hoping we don't have any more hail that could obliterate my long awaited for garden tomatoes!
I use to take tomato sandwiches to school pretty regularly and especially the first day of school. Everyone would look at what I was eating in my lunch and then announce how 'weird' I was. I first got that idea from a favorite book I loved in 5th grade: Harriet The Spy by Louise Fitzhugh published in 1964. (good year by the way!) LOVED that book having read it over many times myself after our teacher had read it aloud to the class that year. Remember when teachers did that? They don't have time anymore for that indulgence but I love it!
Anyway, my take on Illustration Friday's theme this week is not only a botanical in graphite I did but my favorite garden veggie, and my favorite sandwich!