I have loved puppets since I was in second grade and our community library had a summer reading program that had activities. They brought in a visiting puppeteer. From that day on I saw myself becoming a puppeteer. Well, that didn't happen but I am still in love with all things puppet. I have a collection of marrionettes-the Pellum Puppet company kind. And who doesn't love the muppets! This is a photo of my version of my two just finished puppets made from fleece and pingpong balls.
Dec 29, 2009
Illustration Friday's "Pioneer"
Fridays sure arrive fast since we face another theme for the week faster than we can create! Amazing that the year goes as fast as it does.
I love history and old photos and old things. My home reflects this. I'm sure that in our day we romanticize what probably was one of the hardest times; to be a pioneer. Starting over and starting new with little or nothing and facing a sod house or endless plains of nothingness. This topic is appropriate facing a new year and a chance to start over in a way. Happy New Year to all.
Dec 20, 2009
Illustration Friday's "Undone"
As a mother of 4 and all teenagers, I can easily imagine the word "undone" for this week's topic. What's funny is that I illustrated a mom with a baby and all the housework to do and becoming 'undone'. I'd say that it is much harder as a mother of teens than when I had my 4 under 6. I'll take the latter any day!
Dec 11, 2009
www.angeliamclean.com MY NEW WEBSITE IS HERE!
Good news-At least for me. The challenge has always been learning enough Dreamweaver to be able to have my very own website. And I did it all by myself! It is a great sense of accomplishments because about 5 years ago, I knew NOTHING about any adobe product, web design or even how to do digital artwork. I've come a long way. So the launching of my website is more than just getting a website out there, it is a major goal finally accomplished! Yea!
Illustration Friday's "Hatched"
We've been in a deep freeze this past week so I can't imagine anything 'hatching' that's for sure. But this week's topic for Illustration Friday is just that. I have been working on greeting cards and this Easter one seems perfect for the subject. We also have been getting eggs now from this year's Americauna hens. Now, that wouldn't be such a big deal but Americaunas are known for their colored eggs. We've gotten beautiful brown ones but this year one of them is laying GREEN eggs. Yes, Green Eggs and Ham was instantly my thought too. But they're beautiful! I will be anxious to get some jeweled eggs done using these spectacular colored eggs. The other color is brownish pink. Now we need to aim for the blue ones next year!
Nov 23, 2009
This week's topic is music. Here are some annoying animal friends carroling at Owl's house. I think Moose tags along but realizes the motley crew is headed for trouble. This is one holiday card of a series that I illustrated that feature the activities of these animal characters.
Although we complain that the decorations go up so early and get earlier every year, I am guilty as charged. But to really enjoy all the creative possiblities that the holiday season has means that you have to start early!
Although we complain that the decorations go up so early and get earlier every year, I am guilty as charged. But to really enjoy all the creative possiblities that the holiday season has means that you have to start early!
Nov 3, 2009
Rebuilding Together Poster Illustration
Since 1999 Rebuilding Together Metro Denver has been working in partnership with the community to revitalize homes and lives in ways that improve the health and safety for low income homeowners who are elderly or disabled.
For their 10th anniversary, they wanted a map depicting their growth and path they've taken. I illustrated a map that used their iconic logo people and included relevant events to Rebuilding Together's history.
To be part of this super organization see them at http://www.rebuildingdenver.org/
Oct 30, 2009
Oct 27, 2009
Merry Christmas!!?? What already?? Here is one of my holiday card designs. Christmas has come early when you illustrate for greeting cards. I do have a tiny secret though. I started listening to holiday music about a month ago. Not the CD but the good ol fashioned album on my scratchy 1940's record player. I need new cathode ray tubes for it though since I think I used it too much already. I find comfort in the sound of the player and the feeling of safety perhaps in the holiday music. So, yes, I jam to music while creating! This is a digital piece. I usually work in traditional media but am trying to work faster with the computer.

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